about R.A.V.E
The Rutland Area Vehicle Enthusiasts was initially formed in 1978 by a group of local individuals who shared an interest in the preservation and restoration of antique and classic automobiles, street rods, and other types of motor vehicles.
In March of 1980, RAVE was formally established as a non-profit organization. By July of that year with the aid of Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce the first show was an overwhelming success, drawing over 200 cars.
The founders expanded on their basic interest in promoting vehicle preservation with a goal of giving financial contributions to various local charities. The growth of RAVE has resulted in success for both. From the 43 shows RAVE has sponsored, well over $215,000 has been donated to local charitable organizations.
Those benefitting in the past include Meals on Wheels, Bayada Hospice, Open Door Mission, Stafford Tech Automotive Program, Slate Valley Boys and Girls Club, WSYB Christmas Fund, Rutland Free Clinic, Mentor Connector, RRMC Bone Marrow Donor Program, Companions in Wholeness and many more.
RAVE holds an annual auto show each year at the Vermont State Fairgrounds in Rutland, Vermont. The club also does occasional cruise nights, attends other car shows, and has many members who volunteer their time at various organizations in the area.
2024 R.A.V.E. Car Show
The 44th Rave Car Show is ON!
We are excited to announce that the 44th RAVE Car Show is scheduled for July 13th and 14th of 2024!
Stay tuned to our Facebook page for up to date information about the show!
We will see you all then!

Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Sean Barrett
Tim Hunter
Vice President
Bob Kilburn
Trish Pelkey
Kim Metcalfe
Board of Directors
Brad Canty
Tammy Hunter
Dan LaFountain
Rob Warrell
Colby McKay
Jim LaCoille

A brief History of R.a.v.e
R.A.V.E. is the culmination of an idea that has been around this area for several years. The basis of the club is a group of people who have an interest in or own and drive old and unique cars. It was felt by these people that an organization which promoted their interests could not only attract others with similar interest- but be of some benefit to the populace of the entire are.
The first formal meeting took place at Ed Fabian's house on December 4th, 1978 with charter members: Dean & Noreen Burgess and sons, Ken & Steve, Ed & Linda Fabian, Bill & Carol Gorguites, Bud & Sandra Smith, Bernard Spencer, Herbert Spencer, Lowell & Ellen Wakker, Reg & Fran Wilson.
1979 saw the club become established as a solid organization, February of that year, the first club officers were installed. They were listed as President - Lowell Wakker, Vice-President - Ed Fabian, Secretary - Carol Forguites, and Treasurer - Fran Wilson. The February meeting was also established two other important points, the club colors and name. Rutland Area Vehicle Enthusiasts was the offering of Xal Lanfear, while red, white, and black were selected as official colors. Club President Lowell Wakker incorporated these colors into the now familiar club logo that appears on members' clothing and cars. Reg Wilson secured the Metzger truck for the club, and also arranged for the club to co-sponsor, with North American Van Lines, the showing od the Indy Car at the Rutland Mall.
Meetings in 1979 also included the first discussion of promoting a car show in this area to rival or exceed the well established Bennington Show. Discussion in this area led to the appointment of Tom Patch and Reg Wilson as Coordinators of the efforts, and this incorporation of the club as a nonprofit organization in March of 1980. The initial Corporate Directors included Lowell Wakker, Bill Forguites, Ed Fabian, Ed Ridlon, and dean Burgess.
With the aid of the Rutland Regional Chamber of Commerce, the first show in July of 1980 was an overwhelming success, drawing over two hundred cars. the show drew praise from many people including Hemmings Motor News, who proclaimed it one of the best first year shows they had attended.
For 2024, we will be celebrating our 44th Annual car show, known as the R.A.V.E. Car Show and Flea Market as well as a large craft vendor area, on July 13th and 14th, at the Vermont State Fairgrounds in Rutland, VT.
Contact Us
We hold monthly meetings at the Godnick Center in Rutland. Anyone is welcome to come and if you want to be a part of the club, please ask us about joining!
Have any further questions about membership or the 2024 Rutland Car Show? Fill out the form below.
Our Mailing Address
P.O. Box 519
West Rutland, VT, 05777

2018 Rutland Car Show

2017 Rutland Car Show